Mindfulness in Action - The Alexander Technique
Making Conscious Choices
Learning to Live with Less Stress
Learning to Calm your Own System
Learning to Regain Balance and Ease
Through self-exploration and physical retraining, Pamela Blanc offers individuals a way to change the quality of their life.
Teaching The Alexander Technique for over 45 years, Pamela guides the individual in the process of changing habits of thought and habits of movement.
"...the most valuable knowledge we can possess is that of the use and functioning of the self, and of the means whereby the human individual may progressively raise the standard of his health and general well-being." F.M.Alexander
The Alexander Technique and The Art of Breathing
For more information click ‘learn more’ below.
Beyond Posture is Poise
Lessons in the Alexander Technique inform all the potentialities of mind and body to their best advantage in specialized activities & in everyday living.
Daily Movement: sitting, standing, bending, walking, exercising can either bring you ease or create more tension.
It’s a choice.
Thoughts Affect The body
The Alexander Technique offers a way to change habits of thought & movement to improve your overall health and well being.
Ready to take the next step? Contact Pamela Blanc for more information and to schedule a lesson.